
After a lovely week of auditions, we are releasing our callback list! First and foremost, THANK YOU to everyone who submitted a video and shared their voices with us! Especially given all of the challenges of this year, we were touched and honoured to hear, see, and speak to so many people interested in a cappella. You did not make this decision an easy one and it was so difficult to choose just a few people. To everyone we had the privilege of hearing or chatting with at our table: thank you and we hope to see you again!


Younseo Heo

Eileen Grant

Claire Ogaranko

Tara Sarraf

Hanzi Li


Isabelle Tardif-Sanchez

Zainah Islam

Chidibere Okarah

Mia Szabo


Hanzi Li


Benjamin Shaw Cannabrava


John Peelen

Casey Broughton

Stuart VIne


Greg Roberts

Nigel Chan

Parham Haghnegahdar

Hugo Deslandes

VP Media